* Finer Points *

Refurbished a few years back,
the old depot now houses selected artifacts
from the area's more glorious past.

This historic, grand hotel was retooled into a popular upscale restaurant in the mid-70s prior to taking on its unfortunate present incarnation as a retirement center in the mid-80s.
It is rumored that besotten ghosts sometimes bedevil the odd codger between midnight and last call.

A local institution since 1948,
the old theater served as both
meeting place and entertainment
for three generations of residents
before being hastily razed in 1999
to make way for yet another f*cking bank.
Shame, shame: We know your name.

Enjoying a leisurely walk among the old buildings, housewares and farm implements utilized by the area's earliest settlers, visitors may catch themselves reminiscing about that wonderful bygone era when men were men and worked for a living, women knew their place and the colored folk always did what they was told.

Finally, a place for local youngsters to get together for fun,
exercise and group enrichment.
Of course, the city commission finally put a stop to such nonsense,
citing lack of supervision, an inadequate site and subpar equipment.
And whose fault was this?
The tightwad commission's, of course, which refused to properly
fund the thing from the get-go.
So who's up for a little snipe-tipping after school?
While many have sought to rename Lock Street
(the main drag through this impoverished hispanic
ghetto in the northwest corner of town)
Calle de Milagros, or "Street of Miracles,"
others have resisted, pointing out that the
pioneering Lock family served as longtime
supporters of the largely migrant community
and deserves to retain the designation.
Despite some $20 million worth of infrastructure
improvements that have been poured into the area,
the true miracle may be making the neighborhood
safe for anyone other than truants, prostitutes,
lowriding desperados and rockheads.

Who the devil needs all those pesky local businesses uglying up the quaint, oak-covered streets when one can enjoy the thrifty, modern conveniences of shopping at a multinational big-box retailer that not only brings down the median wage, but serves two flavors of delicious Icee?
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